Your Panasonic ID (email address) is used when sending emails from Panasonic.
The password must be composed of single-byte characters and be at least eight characters long with a maximum of 64 characters. It must include at least three of the four character types, i.e. uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. The symbol can be selected from !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~ . The backward slash and the space cannot be used as symbols. The password may not include your firstname/lastname or a character string that is easy to guess (such as "password" or "12345").
Date of birth helps us confirm your identification when you forget own password.
Please select your country or areas of residence. Your country help us determine available services for you.
I agree the following purposes to create Panasonic ID account
with the following conditions